18.31.120 Accessory dwelling units.
Accessory dwelling units are permitted outright in all residential zones that permit single-family homes, and may be developed with new or existing single-family homes. The development standards of the underlying zone and the following siting and performance standards shall apply to all accessory dwelling units as defined by ACC 18.04.018.
A. The home or accessory dwelling unit must be the principal place of residence for the homeowner.
B. Only one accessory dwelling unit may be permitted per single-family residence.
C. An accessory dwelling unit shall not be larger than 50 percent of the square footage of the single-family home with garage space not being included in the calculation. In no case shall the accessory dwelling unit be more than 950 square feet, nor less than 300 square feet, nor have more than two bedrooms.
D. Exterior Appearance/Modifications.
1. Any alterations shall not change the appearance from that of a single-family residence, as determined by the planning director.
2. Only one exterior entrance is allowed to the accessory dwelling unit and it can be located no closer than 10 feet to an adjoining property line.
3. Any exterior stairs shall be placed in the rear or side setback and no closer than 10 feet to an adjoining property line.
4. Where garage space is converted to living space, the garage door shall be replaced with materials that match the exterior of the house. If a detached garage is converted, its appearance must still be that of a detached garage and the detached garage must be able to be used for parking of at least one vehicle.
E. Parking Requirements.
1. The parking required for the existing single-family home must meet all requirements of the zoning code including amount, size and setback requirements in order for an accessory dwelling unit to be allowed.
2. One additional parking space, beyond those required for the single-family home, is required for an accessory dwelling unit. The additional parking space must also meet all requirements of the zoning code.
3. Newly created parking shall make use of existing curb cuts, when possible.
F. An accessory dwelling unit may not be sold as a separate piece of property, or as a condominium unit, unless allowed by the existing zoning on the property.
G. Any homeowner seeking to establish an accessory dwelling unit shall apply for approval in accordance with the following procedures:
1. The homeowner shall apply for an accessory dwelling unit permit with the city. A complete application shall include a properly completed application form, floor and structural plans, and fees.
2. Before issuance of the certificate of occupancy for an accessory dwelling unit, the homeowner must provide a copy of a statement recorded with the county in which the subject property is located. The statement must read:
An application for a permit for an accessory dwelling unit has been submitted to the city of Auburn by the owner of this property. Future owners are advised that the owner of the property must comply with all requirements of the Auburn Zoning Code, as amended, if the accessory dwelling unit is to be occupied or rented.
H. If an accessory dwelling unit is to be removed, appropriate permits and inspections must first be received from the city. If a homeowner wants to remove the statement as required by subsection (G)(2) of this section from the property’s title, then the city shall issue an appropriate release upon evidence that the accessory dwelling unit has been removed. The release shall be recorded by the homeowner with the county records and elections office and a copy of the recorded release shall be provided to the city. (Ord. 6419 § 4, 2012; Ord. 6245 § 15, 2009.)