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A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment and operation of agricultural enterprises in order to maintain and preserve the lower density residential character, integrity, environmental protection, and property values of the residential conservancy (RC) zone in which they are located and the surrounding areas.

B. Applicability. The permit requirements and standards provided in this section apply to agricultural enterprises where allowed in compliance with Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones, and meeting the definition of agricultural enterprises as provided in ACC 18.04.035. The development standards of the RC zone shall apply unless a different standard is set forth in the supplemental development standards in subsection E of this section.

C. Permit Required. An administrative use permit is required when 50 percent or more of the total site area is dedicated to active agricultural production during the growing season, and with 52 or less special events per calendar year. A conditional use permit is required when less than 50 percent of the total site area is dedicated to active agricultural production during the growing season, or if the applicant intends to hold more than 52 special events per calendar year.

D. Uses. The following uses may be permitted as part of an agricultural enterprise under a unified management or ownership:

1. Agricultural crops and open field growing;

2. Agricultural store;

3. Barns, silos and related structures;

4. Caretaker quarters, not more than one per agricultural enterprise;

5. Catering facilities;

6. Delicatessens, restaurants or sandwich shops limited to a seating area of 25 seats;

7. Drive-through espresso and/or nonalcoholic beverage stands, freestanding;

8. Education facilities providing courses related to agricultural production and/or processing or promotion of locally and regionally grown food;

9. Farm stands, for the sale of agricultural products raised on the premises in addition to agricultural products that are raised off site;

10. Greenhouses;

11. Keeping of livestock, or fowl and rabbits or similar sized animals; provided, that an appropriate structure or enclosure is provided;

12. Museum and cultural facilities;

13. Outdoor musical entertainment (when it meets all requirements for the business licensing of ACC 5.20.200);

14. Small-scale food processing or packaging of agricultural products;

15. Special events. Special events include, but are not limited to, the following activities where attendance exceeds 200 persons or more:

a. Weddings;

b. Meetings;

c. Receptions;

d. Reunions;

e. Tasting events for food or beverage;

f. Private parties;

g. Concerts held within an enclosed building;

h. Retreats;

i. Other comparable events;

16. Tasting room;

17. Tourist and visitor services;

18. Winery; and

19. The planning director may authorize uses under this definition other than those which are listed, if the planning director determines the use is consistent with the intent of the zone and is of the same general character of the uses permitted within the zone. Further guidance on administrative interpretations of land uses can be found in ACC 18.02.120.

E. Development Standards.

1. Minimum Area. The minimum area devoted to an agricultural enterprise business shall be a single parcel with a minimum of 10 acres in total site area within the residential conservancy (RC) zone. Environmentally critical areas are not counted toward total site area when determining whether an administrative or conditional use permit is required.

2. Location. The proposed agricultural enterprise business shall have direct access onto a minor arterial or higher classification street.

3. Maximum Building Size. Nonresidential buildings, excluding greenhouses, shall not exceed 5,000 square feet in gross floor area.

4. Lot Coverage. The combination of all buildings, to include greenhouses, on a single site used in conjunction with the agricultural enterprise business shall not exceed 15 percent of the total site area.

5. Maximum Impervious Area. The maximum impervious area shall not exceed 25 percent.

6. Setbacks. Structures for agricultural enterprises shall be located as follows:

a. Front setback: 35 feet.

b. Rear setback: 20 feet.

c. Interior side setback: 20 feet.

d. Street side setback: 35 feet.

7. Height. Maximum building height: 35 feet. Buildings may exceed 35 feet if one additional foot of setback is provided from each property line for each foot the building exceeds 35 feet.

8. Visual Impact. Activities and uses conducted in conjunction with the agricultural enterprise must be located in such a manner that minimizes visual impacts to adjoining properties that are used or zoned for residential uses. In addition:

a. A Type III landscape buffer 10 feet in width shall be provided on site in those areas between the buildings and the property line.

b. Highly reflective building materials shall not be used on buildings.

9. Responsible Party. All components of the agricultural enterprise shall be operated or maintained by the property owner, lease holder, or occupant of the land upon which the primary associated agriculture, horticulture, or other use is being conducted.

10. Hours of Operation. Agricultural enterprise activities involving the employment of workers; outside activities; the generation of any noise, light, dust, odor, glare, or vibration detectable outside the business structure; or traffic, including deliveries, shall only be conducted on site between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. or as may be specifically approved by a condition of approval of the administrative or conditional use permit.

11. Parking and Outdoor Storage. All parking and outdoor storage areas used exclusively for retail areas within 50 feet from a property line shall be screened from adjoining properties used or zoned for residential uses. If existing topography and natural vegetation does not provide an adequate visual barrier, additional screening may be required, to include installation of landscape materials, walls or fencing.

12. Lighting. No lighting shall be directed onto adjoining properties used or zoned for residential uses and no lighting shall exceed 0.5 foot-candle when measured at the property lines. Floodlights or other high-intensity lighting shall be prohibited, unless specifically approved as part of a special event or outdoor musical entertainment.

13. Refuse and Recycling. All refuse and recycling waste containers shall be within refuse enclosures located in the rear of the building and be completely screened from public view. All refuse enclosures shall be architecturally compatible with the building they serve.

14. Special Events. Special events or similar activities may be held as follows:

a. Up to 52 special events within a calendar year with the administrative use permit.

b. Fifty-two or more special events within a calendar year shall require a conditional use permit.

c. Parking and Traffic Control. A parking and traffic control plan shall be prepared by a licensed traffic engineer and required for all agricultural enterprises conducting special events (as defined by ACC 18.04.827). The parking and traffic control plan shall be submitted for review as part of the administrative use permit or conditional use permit application and, if satisfactory, must be approved by the planning and development director and city engineer prior to implementation. At a minimum, the parking and traffic control plan shall contain the following:

i. A parking plan showing how adequate on – and off-site parking will be available to the site, and that no substantial conflict will exist during the principal hours or periods of peak parking demands for any land use or special event which is proposed to share the parking.

ii. A traffic control plan showing how traffic to and from the land use and special events location(s) will be handled and what temporary traffic control measures will be used to facilitate safe access to and from the locations. The traffic control plan must include a written description of the plan as well as a traffic control diagram showing traffic control devices, directions of travel, and the location and type of authorized personnel to direct traffic.

iii. A contingency plan for weather changes (relocation or rescheduling of events; alternative parking areas; method of notifying the public of changes) and for unanticipated increases in traffic or parking.

iv. Other elements as determined necessary by the planning and development director and the city engineer based on the specific events, setting, and location.

15. Wineries. All wineries with or without tasting rooms shall:

a. Have adequate driveway access to a public street meeting the requirements of a commercial driveway.

b. Provide adequate on-site parking in the amount of one parking stall for every 500 square feet of gross floor area.

c. Shall not exceed 5,000 square feet gross floor area with the tasting room not exceeding 50 percent of the production area.

16. Signs. Notwithstanding the provisions of ACC 18.56.040(A), the following standards apply to signs for agricultural enterprise uses within the RC, residential conservancy zone. If not specified in this section, the other provisions of Chapter 18.56 ACC, Signs, apply.

a. Freestanding Signs.

i. Total number permitted:

(A) Two per frontage on a parcel having at least 500 feet of frontage on a state highway.

(B) One per frontage on a principal or minor arterial.

ii. Maximum height:

(A) Thirty feet on a state highway.

(B) Twenty-two feet on a principal or minor arterial.

iii. Maximum area: 200 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. The minimum entitlement for freestanding signs is 32 square feet for those sites less than 64 feet of frontage.

iv. Multiple freestanding signs, if permitted, must be separated by at least 150 feet measured in a straight line distance.

b. Wall Signs.

i. Total number permitted: one sign per building frontage that fronts a public right-of-way.

ii. Maximum area: 100 square feet per building frontage that fronts a public right-of-way, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area for every one linear foot of building frontage.

iii. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.

c. Changing message center signs are allowed as part of an agricultural enterprise if the sign complies with the sign regulations in ACC 18.56.030(F).

17. Additional Permits and Approvals. In addition to required land use permits, an agricultural enterprise may be required to obtain licenses and permits from other city and county departments (e.g., business licenses from the city, food service or sales licenses from the county department of public health, animal care licenses from the county department of public health, etc.). (Ord. 6363 § 2, 2011.)