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A. All other provisions of this title that would apply to a non-infill project shall apply to infill development except as specifically modified by this chapter.

B. Infill Land Division Standards – Reduction in Dimensional Requirements for Infill Residential Development. Notwithstanding the dimensional development standard requirements found in the underlying residential zones of ACC 18.07.030, property that is eligible for infill residential development pursuant to ACC 18.25.020 shall be eligible for subdivision of land as follows:

1. Minimum Lot Area. Minimum lot area and minimum average lot area may be permitted at 80 percent of the minimum areas required in Chapter 18.07 ACC for the underlying zone.

2. Minimum Lot Width. Minimum lot width may be reduced by 20 percent of or 10 feet less than the required minimum lot width of the underlying zone, whichever is less.

3. Maximum Lot Coverage. Maximum lot coverage can be increased by 10 percent over that allowed in the underlying zone.

C. Infill Development Standards. Property that is eligible for infill residential development pursuant to ACC 18.25.020 shall be eligible for these additional development standards to encourage infill, subject to demonstration to the satisfaction of the city engineer that all required utility infrastructure, access requirements, and street elements can be accommodated in accordance with the city design and construction standards:

1. The maximum density provided for in Chapter 18.07 ACC may be increased by up to 10 percent. This density bonus may not be combined with density bonuses provided for under Chapter 18.49 ACC.

2. Increased allowable building height by no more than five feet to allow for roof features noted in subsection (D)(4) of this section while achieving permitted maximum density.

3. Reduced front or street side setbacks to conform to the average existing building lines or setbacks of adjoining structures. In no case shall reduced street setbacks be allowed for a garage or carport.

4. Alternative setbacks, including reduced rear setbacks. Standard setbacks of the zone shall be applied for any required setback when the subject setback abuts an RC, R-1, R-5, or R-7 zone.

5. A 10 percent reduction in minimum on-site parking requirements, when on-site parking is designed to be shared parking. This reduction may be combined with any other reduction provided for in ACC 18.52.030.

D. Infill Design Standards. Property that is eligible for infill residential development pursuant to ACC 18.25.020 shall adhere to the following design requirements. While creativity and variation in architectural design is encouraged, the purpose of these requirements is to ensure compatibility of infill development with the character of nearby existing residential structures.

Residential infill development shall meet the following design criteria, as defined by the predominant character of the existing residential block face. The block face shall consist of all residential properties along both sides of the public or private right-of-way on which the development fronts. The block face shall be measured from intersection to intersection, to the road end, or 200 feet in either direction from the development site, whichever is nearest.

1. Building orientation on infill lots shall match the predominant orientation of other buildings along the block face.

2. Access and location of off-street parking on infill lots shall be similar to the predominant character for existing development along the block face. Primary vehicular access shall be through rear alleys where such rights-of-way exist, and on-site parking shall be located to the rear of proposed structures, insofar as this is consistent with the predominant character of the block face.

3. Proposed residences shall be required to provide an additional five-foot setback over that required in the underlying zone above the second story where property line(s) abut a property with an existing single-story structure.

4. Roofs on proposed infill residential structures shall be similar in slope, material, and style to existing development and shall incorporate any or all of the following features, insofar as such features are compatible with existing development on the block face:

a. Dormers;

b. Gabled or hipped roofs;

c. Pitched roofs;

d. Parapets or cornices.

Unless it is the predominant existing style on the block face, flat, unadorned roofs shall not be allowed.

5. Horizontal facades longer than 25 feet shall be treated to reduce building mass and visual bulk using at least one of the following techniques. The applicant shall demonstrate that the selected techniques are either currently present on the block face or are not substantially incompatible with existing development.

a. Bays or recesses (minimum depth of 18 inches);

b. Window patterns;

c. Contrasting materials or colors;

d. Upper story setbacks;

e. Balconies. (Ord. 6245 § 14, 2009.)